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Drama Ministry Team Application

The Drama Ministry Team is an audition-based drama group. Students participating in the Drama Ministry Team may receive scholarships to enable their participation. The goal of the Drama Ministry Team is to create theater-based worship experiences for on- and off-campus communities and congregations.   

APPLICATION DEADLINE May 1st for the following school year: applications will be accepted after this date if funds are available

Contact Information
Drama Ministry Team Overview
  • Year-long Commitment: All team members must commit for the full school year. The team develops a 30-40 minute program and other material in the Fall, performing short pieces at College Hour and other venues. In the Spring, the team performs the program in local churches, alongside smaller performances at College Hour and other venues as requested.
  • Course registration: Team members must register for THTR 120/320 Drama Ministry Team each semester. (120 for Freshmen/Sophomores, 320 for Juniors/Seniors)
  • Performance availability: Performances are Sundays and weekdays as scheduled. Students must have Sunday and College Hour (Wed/Fri 10-11) availability to be a member.
The Audition

Please prepare 2 audition pieces, approximately 1-1.5 minutes each. One of the pieces must be your own original writing (Examples, an original character monologue, a spoken word piece, an original dance piece set to music, a poem, don’t be afraid, get creative!). The other is open to your choosing. You may audition in person or send an electronic version.  Contact the Drama Ministry Team director to arrange an audition time: brandi.martin@fresno.edu, 559-453-7190

*Applicants also auditioning for the Drama Scholarship: Acting Emphasis only need to perform 1 original piece in addition to 2 traditional monologue pieces, for a total of 3 pieces for both Scholarship applications.

Audition Format
Letter of Recommendation

Please submit a letter of recommendation by May 1 from someone other than a family member who can comment on your theater activity and character. Please check periodically with this person to find out if they have sent the letter. Please email the letter directly to the program director, brandi.martin@fresno.edu.

Theater Experience
Describe your theater experience from church, camp, school, or community theater contexts. Please identify play titles, roles/assignments, and years.
Faith Journey
Describe your faith journey. What’s your relationship to Christ? What attracts you to using drama to minister to people?
Other Scholarships Applied for
Identify any other FPU scholarships you are applying for or have received (e.g., Drama Scholarship, President’s or Provost’s scholarship, Music scholarship, Athletics scholarship, et cetera).
Co-curricular Activities
Please identify any co-curricular activities (concert choir, Crosswind, Senate, student leadership, Mentor’s assistant, Resident assistant, etc) that you will be involved in.
Scholarship Applicants
Scholarship Consideration
Participating members may receive from $3000 - $4000 per year depending on need and eligibility.
GPA Requirement
Members must have and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to be considered for the scholarship.