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Daniel Larson, Ph.D.

School of Arts and Sciences

Education history

  • Ph.D., English Literature, University of Colorado Boulder, 2016
    Fields of Specialization: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Literature, Theology, Literary Theory
  • M.A., English Literature, University of New Mexico, 2011
    Emphasis: Nineteenth-Century Literature, Literary Theory
  • B.A., Philosophy and Literature, University of New Mexico, Summa cum laude, 2009

Selected works


  • “‘What then art thou?’: Demogorgon, Son of God and Savior of the World in Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound,” European Romantic Review (forthcoming)
  • “Royal Vampires: Necropolitics and the Burial of the Dead in Nineteenth-Century England.” Pacific Journal, 16 (Fall, 2021)
  • “What Was Left of Coleridge’s Cain?” Coleridge Bulliten, 49 (Summer, 2017): 83-89            

Book Reviews

  • Review of Peter Cheyne, Coleridge’s Contemplative Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2020). Coleridge Bulletin, 58 (Winter, 2021)
  • Review of Colin Jager, Unquiet Things: Secularism in the Romantic Age (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014). Romantic Circles (Sept 2015). www.rc.umd.edu
  • Press Publications:
    “Saviors of Modern Film.” Christ and Pop-Culture, 1:17 (2013)


  • “Waiting For Me.” Poem. Pacific Journal, 16 (Fall, 2021)
  • “Literature and the Bible.” Interview by Casey Dayton for Amateur Theologians. (August 2015). www.amateurtheologians.com
  • Recent Papers Presented:
    “Hailed in God’s Name: Coleridge’s Theopoetics and the Boundaries of Theology” at the Friends of Coleridge Summer Conference, July 2022
  • “Fires in the Burdened Air: Blake’s Postsecular Prophecy” at the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) conference, August 2019
  • “Prophetic Resistance, or, ‘the just man rages in the wilds,’” at Romanticism and the Spirit of Resistance Conference, for the Colorado Reomanticism Collective and the Romantic Bicentennials Project, Setempber 2018
  • "Wordsworth's Silent Liturgy" at the English Graduate Works in Progress Fall 2015 Series, October 2015
  • "Literature and the Bible." Interview by Casey Dayton for Amateur Theologians. (August 2015). www.amateurtheologians.com
  • "What Was Left of Coleridge's Cain" at the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) conference, August 2015
  • Review of Colin Jager, Unquiet Things: Secularism in the Romantic Age(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014). Romantic Circles (Sept 2015). www.re.umd.edu"
  • “‘Oh rend the heavens’: Subversion and the Resurrection of the Dead in Cowper’s Olney Hymns” at the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) conference, July 2014
  • "Singing the Silent Liturgy: Remembering the Resurrection of the Dead in Cowper and Wordsworth." currently under review
  • "Oh rend the heavens': Subversion and the Resurrection of the Dead in Cowper's Olney Hymns" at the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) conference, July 2014
  • "Silence and the Resurrection: the crisis of history in William Wordsworth's The Excursion" at the South West Committee for Religious Studies conference: Arts, Literature, and Religion section, March 2014
  • Saviors of Modern Film." Christ and Pop-Culture, 1:17 (2013): n. pag.

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